Acupuncture for insomnia & sleep disorders
It can be in the form of being unable to fall asleep when going to bed, or waking up during the night and not being able to fall back asleep, or not sleeping at all.
It affects 30% of elderly and one out of 10 North Americans. 50% of insomnia disorders are attributed to anxiety, stress, or depression. Sleep disorders can create an array of other issues if not dealt with. People who do not sleep well get frustrated, irritable, headaches, fatigue, foggy head, poor focus and much more symptoms the longer the problem occurs.
Common causes:
- Emotional or mental disorders.
- Chronic illness such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Parkinson's.
- Diet: eating late at night, too much food, indigestion, coffee consumption.
- Jet lag.
- Medications such as beta blockers or decongestants.
- Lack of Calcium and magnesium.
- Sedentary lifestyle!
- Restless leg syndrome, sleep Apnea may also be the cause of insomnia.
- Supplement with Calcium and magnesium (it has a calming effect).
- Melatonin 2 hrs before bedtime (It is a natural hormone to promote sleep used occasionally only and do not give it to
- Herbs: Valerian root, lemon balm, kava kava or hops in tea form before bed may calm the nerves and mind.
- Food that promotes sleep to be eaten at dinner time or as a snack before bed: banana, figs, dates, nut butter and nuts
(almonds, walnuts), turkey, yogurt.
- Food that stimulate your brain and to be avoided at night: coffee (or any stimulants), cheese, sugar, chocolate, bacon, ham,
sausage, sauerkraut, tomatoes, spinach and eggplant.
- Do not eat large meals in the evenings.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine 6 hrs before bed.
- Go to bed when tired, establish regular sleeping patterns, do not watch Tv in bed, do not read or watch stimulating
programs, use your bedroom only for sleep and sex, sleep in a dark quiet room with a comfortable temperature.
- Take a hot bath before bed, exercise regularly.
- Put your worries out of your mind and concentrate on pleasant memories. If you're going to make movies in your head,
make comedy or adventure films, not thrillers or dramas!
Have you tried acupuncture and Chinese Medicine?
Your acupuncturist will ask you the following questions to help figure out what is out of balance and help rectify it:
- Does it take you a long time to fall asleep? Due to over thinking?
- Do you worry, especially at bedtime? Do you feel stressed?
- Do you wake up often between 1 and 3 am? And can you get back to sleep?
- Do you wake up early, at 4 or 5 am? Even though you don't need to get up at that time.
- Do you wake up with anxiety? Do you have nightmares or dream disturbed sleep?
Acupuncture works wonders to calm the mind, cupping and Tui Na (Deep tissue Chinese Massage) will also help relieve tension. Call you local licensed Acupuncturist and get some sleep! Give as much details as possible to your practitioner and it will help you get faster results. Good luck and good night!