During the fall season, the leaves are slowly drying and eventually falling off. We're the same! Okay, not really falling off, but our skin tends to dry up and flakes off. As we age and reach the fall of our lives (yep, I'm there now), our bodies start drying up too (I know, not fun!). If you suffer from dry cracked skin, dry stools, dry mouth, and/or dry hair, and (yes I will go there) dry vagina, the solution is a little more complex than just drinking water. In Chinese medicine, in order to replenish the loss of body fluids, we recommend to both hydrate and lubricate! Hydrate: drinking more water, herbal teas and eating more watery foods such as cucumber and watermelons. Lubricate: eating food containing essential fatty acids such as nuts and seeds, avocado, fatty fish, and coconut oil. Stay moist this season! Clara Cohen Registered Acupuncturist in Port Moody Healing Cedar Wellness |
Clara's Blog"I love my job! "I feel blessed to a have supporting husband, a loyal dog, amazing friends and to live in beautiful Port Moody, BC"
December 2016
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